Measurement masts

The structure of measurement masts is designed for a wide variety of measurement instruments, sensors and technologies which can be fitted at different heights. The structure serves to measure the wind speed and direction but also other parameters like temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and precipitation. The data collected from the measurement instruments is used to assess the wind energy potential, which is key to the selection of a suitable wind turbine type and model.

Our offer includes:

• Aluminium truss masts
• Steel truss masts

On the design phase, we harness our extensive experience to develop durable solutions to withstand specific weather conditions throughout the entire duration of the site measurement campaign. The structures meet the required quality standards specified under the IEC 61400-12 standard.

Wind Measurement

Wind measurements are a vital element on the preliminary stage of wind farm investment planning. The measurement data obtained during the measurement process are used in calculations to predict the energy production of the wind farm, which is crucial for the economic viability assessment.

Measurements are taken using state-of-the-art measurement instruments to obtain accurate and reliable information on the wind speed, wind direction, temperature, turbulence, air pressure, humidity, and air density.

We offer comprehensive support for the investment process relating to wind measurements:


Site inspection in the location of the planned investment for optimal mast placement.


Preparation of building permit design


Handling of administrative procedures - procurement of the building permit.


Preparation of the measurement mast.


Calibration of instruments, preparation of devices for transmission.


Transportation of the structure to the site.


Assembly of the structure.


Assembly, configuration, and installation and activation of measurement devices.


Oversight of measurements - continual monitoring and control of the correctness of measurement system operations accompanied by the collection and archiving of measurement data


Servicing of structures and facilities - regular preventive maintenance and emergency repairs.