The RETIS Construction Company was recognized by the European Institute of Business
The RETIS Construction Company was recognized by the European Institute of Business and was awarded the title of Business Cheetah 2021, the title of Effective Company 2021 and the title of Strong Trustworthy Company 2021.
W dniach 14-16 maja 2019 odbyły się prestiżowe targi POWER-KAZINDUSTRY w Ałmatach/Kazachstan. Co roku targi przyciągają wystawców z branży konstrukcyjnej oraz energetycznej. W tym roku
The RETIS Construction Company was recognized by the European Institute of Business and was awarded the title of Business Cheetah 2021, the title of Effective
The annual must-attend wind energy event, Windaba is back to celebrate its 10-year anniversary with the theme: Renaissance of the Wind Energy Industry – Delivering
One of the largest construction events in the world and the most important event in the Middle East, gathering 39 companies, including RETIS Construction. Additional
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